Surviving the #GPS Industry in India: The Rise of Local Manufacturers
In India, local GPS manufacturers are still surviving in the business and AI industry due to a number of factors unique to the Indian market. India is a diverse country with a range of geographic and economic factors that influence the demand for GPS devices. In rural areas, where the majority of the population resides, traditional maps may not be accurate or accessible. Local GPS manufacturers have found a niche in providing affordable, accurate GPS devices to these areas. One reason why local GPS manufacturers are surviving in India is due to their ability to target a specific market segment that larger companies may overlook. For example, these companies may produce GPS devices that cater specifically to the needs of farmers or drivers in rural areas, providing solutions that larger companies may not be able to replicate. In addition, local GPS manufacturers in India may be able to offer their products at a lower price point due to lower production costs and fewer overhead exp...